As part of our work around Father’s Day, we have partnered with Natalist to help couples trying to conceive think about testing options for both men and women. Legacy’s CEO, Khaled Kteily, sat down with Natalist CEO Halle Tecco to learn more about her background and goals.
This is part of a broader discussion, including an interview with Legacy’s Dr. Paul Turek, available here on Natalist’s website.
Khaled: You’re a recognized healthcare entrepreneur with a series of career successes. Can you share more about yourself and what ultimately made you found Natalist?

Halle: My own personal fertility journey opened my eyes to the enormous opportunity to rebuild the entire experience for families. It took me over four years and a good deal of science to become a mom. During those long months of repeated negative pregnancy tests, I felt disconnected from my body which just wasn’t getting pregnant.
I was lost in a sea of junk science on the internet, as well as products that just didn’t speak to me as a millennial woman. Creating a new human is one of the most exciting, yet vulnerable, times in your life. I wanted to build something that helps aspiring parents cut through the crap. And also makes the experience a little more beautiful and special.
KK: Tell us about Natalist’s mission and about the products it offers. How does Natalist help aspiring parents?
HT: Natalist makes beautiful, evidence-backed fertility and pregnancy essentials. We are a team of doctors, scientists, and most importantly, moms. We’ve been there, and we’re making the journey better for others.
We believe aspiring parents deserve better. We deserve a convenient experience when shopping for trying to conceive (TTC) essentials. We deserve beautiful, easy-to-use products that feel sexy during a time that literally requires sex (and lots of it!). We also deserve judgement-free resources that offer credible, evidence-based facts and supportive advice during what can often be a very confusing and emotional journey.
KK: Most Legacy clients are trying to conceive with their partners. What should all couples who are trying to conceive be thinking about?
HT: It’s important that both parents are in their optimal health. There’s a lot of focus on the female partner who will carry the child; rightfully so, pregnancy is an athletic feat! But for the preconception stage, a male partner’s health is just as important. A healthy lifestyle and behaviors is not only good for your long-term wellbeing, it’s tied to fertility.

Couples should also start thinking about the weight and commitment of becoming parents. We created a book called Parent Plans which contains thought starters and exercises for couples to go through together during the family planning phase. It helps prospective parents think about everything like conception, parenting philosophies, baby names, parenting values, budgeting, and fertility.
KK: Natalist has built a respected brand around leveraging science to guide women through motherhood. We’re curious: what is the one thing you would want men to know about their partners during both their trying to conceive and their motherhood journeys?
HT: Support her in seeking self-care. Self-care is more than just bubble baths and face masks. Self-care means educating and empowering yourself with knowledge. It’s about owning your journey and taking care of your physical and mental health. This is a huge step for both of you, so do what you can to support one another!
KK: Today Natalist focuses on mothers. Why is what Legacy’s doing important to your customers?
HT: We are thrilled to partner with Legacy to give male partner’s a better insight into their fertility. Infertility can affect up to 15% of heterosexual couples. The cause of infertility is shared pretty equally among men and women: roughly a third is attributed to women alone, a third is attributed to men alone, and the remaining third is attributed to a combination of the two. Male infertility can add time to the conception process, but isn’t the end of the road and can often be treated by a doctor.
KK: Thank you for your time, and sharing more about your story. Looking forward to continuing to work together in the future.