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Can sleeping naked really improve male fertility?

Man and woman in bed together naked

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Can sleeping naked really improve male fertility?

When couples start trying to get pregnant, they open themselves up to a whirlwind of advice about things they can do to improve their chances and increase fertility. This can range from changes in diet to altering when and how often they have sex. Advice often tells people to change their choice of underwear when trying to conceive due to the effect it has on male fertility, and now evidence suggests that what people wear to bed could impact their fertility as well. Let’s explore what underwear men should wear to improve their sperm count and examine whether they should sleep naked to enhance their fertility.

Key takeaways:

  • Wearing loose-fitting underwear has been linked to improved semen quality.
  • A new study suggests sleeping naked may also help semen parameters.
  • High scrotal temperature, which is linked to poorer semen health, is highest at night.
  • There are many benefits of sleeping naked that may impact fertility, such as improved sleep, reduced risk of weight gain, improved vaginal health, and increased likelihood of intimacy.
  • Sleeping naked is just one way to improve male fertility, but there are many ways to boost this, including lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements.

For many years now, the advice has been to change from wearing tighter briefs to loose boxers during the day to improve fertility. This was following research that showed higher total sperm count and concentration in men who chose looser-fitting underwear. Another study found fewer ‘sperm neck abnormalities’ for men choosing to wear boxers. Scientists concluded that tighter underwear might impair spermatogenesis and therefore have a negative impact on male fertility. This is considered to be related to the increase in scrotal temperature found in men wearing tighter-fitting underwear.

What does the research say about sleeping naked for male fertility?

A study examined the semen quality of men and compared this to their choice of underwear, both during the day and what they wore to sleep in. They looked at all the variations of wearing briefs or boxers and what men changed into or out of at bedtime. The study conducted a semen analysis on 473 men, and researchers measured several sperm health parameters. Although the study found no significant differences in terms of time-to-pregnancy, conception delay, or infertility, the underwear choice was associated with a few positive differences in semen parameters. These changes were most apparent in men who changed their underwear at bedtime to a cooler option.

Why would sleeping naked benefit male fertility?

Scrotal temperature

Scrotal temperature changes can negatively impact spermatogenesis. This is sometimes referred to as genital heat stress and can be a result of underwear choice, use of laptops on laps, or length of time spent sitting in vehicles or hot baths. The highest scrotal temperatures are experienced during rest or sleep phases and the lowest during physical activity. Therefore, to minimize the negative impact of high scrotal temperatures on semen quality, it makes sense to choose underwear that is of a looser-fitting or cooler material, or to simply sleep naked.

One study found that nocturnal scrotal cooling had a highly significant increase in sperm concentration over a 12-week period. However, the methods used for scrotal cooling were expensive and impractical compared to simply removing underwear at night. While further studies are required to investigate the actual impact of sleeping naked on male fertility, it is a simple and cost-free way to lower scrotal temperatures at night and may have a significant impact on male fertility as a result.

Other benefits of sleeping naked

For those trying to conceive, sleeping naked may have other benefits that do not directly relate to scrotal temperature.

A multitude of studies have shown a link between poor sleep and weight gain. A systematic review of these studies showed evidence that ensuring you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep and fixing your sleep schedule can prevent weight gain. Obesity has been linked to reduced fertility, so anything you can do to minimize weight gain is an excellent way to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Sleeping naked has been shown to be beneficial for vaginal health. Wearing tight underwear can increase the risk of developing a yeast infection, which may interfere with plans for sex during fertile windows.

Do people who sleep naked have more sex?

When you go to sleep naked, you have one less barrier between you and your partner, but often there are psychological factors preventing intimacy. It seems that taking off this extra layer of clothing can positively impact these less physical barriers as well.

Spending more time naked has been linked with decreased body image dissatisfaction and increased levels of self-esteem. This can lead to increased intimacy and connection between partners who are trying to conceive.

When you spend more time being naked next to your partner in bed, the skin-to-skin contact causes an oxytocin release, which can benefit your mood, help you overcome inhibitions, and increase the likelihood of sex taking place.

Do people who sleep naked get better sleep? 

The benefits regarding sleep and fertility are not just related to scrotal temperature. 

Sleeping naked can quickly lower your body temperature. This acts as a biological cue for your body to go to sleep, enabling you to drift off more quickly and giving you the rest required to have more sexual intercourse.

Getting to sleep on time and reaching an adequate number of hours of sleep can positively impact stress levels and stabilize your mood. This can increase the likelihood of intimacy with your partner and therefore lead to more frequent sex, resulting in a higher chance of pregnancy.

So a good night’s sleep can help in many ways if you are trying to conceive.  

Should men sleep naked to improve their fertility?

At present, there is a lack of evidence outlining the specific impact sleeping naked may have on male fertility in terms of semen quality and, as always, what you wear is a personal choice. It is clear that the benefits of sleeping naked go far beyond the impact on scrotal nighttime temperatures, and these benefits may positively impact fertility by increasing intimacy, improving vaginal health, and minimizing weight gain, for example. At the very least, it is worth changing out of tight-fitting briefs at bedtime into something looser as this is a cost-free, easy alteration that may lead to increased chances of pregnancy.

What other ways are there to improve male fertility?

There are a number of actions that people can take to improve their fertility when trying for a baby. Legacy has several articles outlining all the ways you can personally boost your fertility and improve sperm health by making lifestyle changes. These changes include:

Lifestyle changes such as those mentioned above, along with helpful supplements to boost the nutrition in your diet, can be a great way to improve male fertility. However, if you have concerns, it may be worth testing your sperm as soon as possible for peace of mind.  

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