Many of us enjoy having a few drinks before sex to help us relax and get “in the mood.” But for some people, a few too many of their favorite tipple could have disastrous effects on their sexual endeavors. Whiskey dick, brewer’s droop, beer boner — these are all slang terms used to describe a very real issue that some people are faced with when they consume too much alcohol. But what exactly is whiskey dick, and how can you prevent alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction?
Key takeaways
- “Whiskey dick” is a slang term for alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction.
- This condition is characterized by difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection after drinking. It can be caused by any alcoholic drink, not just whiskey.
- It is a temporary condition, but chronic, excessive drinking can have long-term damaging effects on health, sexual function, and male fertility.
What is “whiskey dick”?
Have you ever had a lot to drink and then found yourself in a heated sexual situation — yet unable to achieve an erection? You may have experienced a condition nicknamed “whiskey dick.” This slang term is used to describe a very real condition, formally referred to as alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction (ED), or alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction.
During alcohol-induced ED, a person is unable to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sex as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. Fortunately, it is a temporary form of erectile dysfunction. It usually lasts for as long as it takes for an individual’s body to metabolize the alcohol. Whiskey dick is certainly not limited to whiskey drinking — it can happen after drinking any alcoholic beverage.
How does alcohol affect sexual function?
Alcohol affects the central nervous system (CNS). It acts as a depressant by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA for short. GABA is responsible for slowing down brain activity, creating a calming sedative effect. This is why many people turn to alcohol to relax, or to help them fall asleep.
It also explains why many people enjoy having a drink on a date or preceding sexual activity — in low doses, it can cause disinhibition and relaxation due to its effect on GABA production.
However, when alcohol is consumed in larger quantities, it can have marked negative impacts on perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions. It slows the flow of signals from the brain to the spinal cord, and as a result, sexual performance may suffer. Alcohol can also lead to a reduced response to sexual stimulation and poor blood circulation as a result of impaired nerve function.
Can alcohol cause erectile dysfunction?
Alcohol can interrupt the chemical changes within a person’s body that are required to achieve and maintain an erection. Nitric oxide is a molecule that functions as a vasodilator, directing the blood vessels to relax and expand to facilitate blood flow. Nitric oxide in the smooth muscle within the penis is vital to the creation of an erection, but it’s disrupted by excessive consumption of alcohol.
Essentially, when you drink too much, the blood vessels in your penis can’t relax, blood can’t flow, and you won’t get (as) hard.
Drinking too much alcohol — especially if you drink often — can also impair testicular function and hormone production, resulting in poor erections and reduced sex drive.
The exact amount that will trigger sexual dysfunction varies from person to person, depending on an individual’s tolerance for alcohol. Here are some factors that can affect whether the alcohol you consume will impact your sexual function:
- Weight
- Age
- Alcohol content
- Genetics
- Whether you have food in your stomach
- Any medications you are taking
- Your physical and emotional state
Although whiskey dick is a temporary issue, if you persist in drinking large quantities of alcohol, there can be long-term negative effects on sexual function. A recent study showed that close to half of all people with alcohol dependence also experience regular sexual dysfunction.
Can alcohol affect fertility?
Many health conditions are linked to excessive alcohol intake, including an increased risk of stroke and heart disease as a result of the damage that chronic, heavy drinking does to blood vessels.
Your sperm production is, in part, a reflection of your overall health and lifestyle. Therefore, excessive drinking can also impact your fertility. Here are some possible effects alcohol consumption can have on fertility:
- Testosterone changes
- Reduced levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) decrease
- Lowered sperm quality, including changes to sperm morphology (shape and size of sperm)
- Shrinking testicles, according to a study of rat testicles
- Erectile dysfunction, which can indirectly affect chances of conception
- Dehydration, which can affect semen volume and the amount of ejaculate, as well as reduce blood volume in the body, which may impair your ability to get an erection
- Sperm motility reduction
In one study, researchers found that habitual alcohol consumption of more than 5 drinks per week had adverse effects on semen quality — and the impact was especially significant for those who had more than 25 drinks per week. The effect was more significant as the number of weekly alcohol units increased.
(Remember, one “drink” or “unit” of alcohol is likely less than you’d expect — it refers to about:
- 12 ounces of regular beer, which is usually about 5% alcohol
- 5 ounces of wine, which is typically about 12% alcohol
- 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, which is about 40% alcohol
Many drinks are sold in larger — or stronger — amounts than this.)
Drinking can also affect the genetic material carried by your sperm. A review in 2021 found a strong association between chronic alcohol consumption and poor semen quality, due to oxidative stress and its “genotoxic impact on hormonal regulation and DNA integrity.”
Moderate drinking is considered safe for most adults, but if you are trying to conceive, it is recommended you limit your alcohol consumption to no more than 1–2 drinks a day.
The exact amount of alcohol it takes to affect fertility is unclear, but fewer than five units of alcohol per week is considered “safe.” The good news is that, because sperm is being produced continuously, you can reverse the adverse effects of your alcohol consumption on your fertility. It takes about 74 days to produce sperm, so if you reduce your drinking, you can expect to see an improvement in semen parameters or any other alcohol-related fertility concerns after around three months.
How to prevent alcohol-induced erectile dysfunction (AKA whiskey dick)
Experiencing whiskey dick before sex can be a source of embarrassment and frustration. Luckily, there are steps you can take to reduce its impact or avoid it altogether.
An easy way to prevent whiskey dick is to monitor and reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. If you suspect drinking is affecting your sexual performance, stop drinking before sex to assess whether it’s the alcohol impacting your ability to get an erection.
Here are some more ways you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing whiskey dick:
- Try to reduce how much you drink. It may help to switch up your mindset; for example, focusing on how much money you will save.
- Switch out boozy drinks for low-alcohol or alcohol-free options, or alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
- Eat a bigger meal before drinking.
- Drink more slowly.
- Plan activities and dates that don’t center around drinking.
- Explore other ways to help you relax on a date or before sex, like music, massage, or showering together.
If you find that reducing alcohol intake has no positive effect on your sexual function, it’s time to contact your doctor to see if there are other underlying issues causing your ED. Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of cardiovascular disease or an increased risk of stroke or heart attack, or could be related to psychological issues such as anxiety.Get more information about lifestyle changes to improve fertility and sexual function.