Klinefelter syndrome (also known as “47 XXY”) is a chromosomal condition in which a biological male is born with an additional copy of an X chromosome. This condition typically leads to infertility as well as small and poorly functioning testicles. In many cases, however, Klinefelter syndrome is extremely difficult to detect and may only be diagnosed deep into puberty or adulthood.
What is Klinefelter syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome (also known as “47 XXY”) is a chromosomal condition in which a person with XY chromosomes is born with an additional copy of an X chromosome — these patients have XXY chromosomes. Some consider Klinefelter syndrome an intersex condition.
Though Klinefelter syndrome is difficult to diagnose, it typically leads to infertility and small and poorly functioning testicles, as well as reduced production of testosterone. As a result, patients with Klinefelter syndrome often first discover their condition deep into puberty or in adulthood, when they have difficulty conceiving. Most patients with this condition produce little to no sperm, and suffer from reduced muscle mass, body hair, and facial hair, as well as enlarged breast tissue.
Klinefelter syndrome and male fertility
Klinefelter syndrome leads to infertility because it adversely impacts sexual development. Patients suffering from this condition typically have small and poorly functioning testicles and produce very little testosterone, leading to infertility. Consequently, patients with Klinefelter syndrome typically turn to assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures to have biological children.
Causes of Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome is a condition caused by an additional X chromosome. While there are different ways this can happen, the most common is that there is one extra copy of the X chromosome from the mother’s egg or father’s sperm. Alternatively, Klinefelter syndrome can arise from having an extra X chromosome in only some cells, also known as “mosaic Klinefelter syndrome”. Finally, other rare cases of Klinefelter syndrome exist in which there are multiple excess copies of the X chromosome.
Treatment of Klinefelter syndrome
Treatment of Klinefelter syndrome varies depending on the severity of the situation and the main cause of this disorder. Different treatment options exist to target different symptoms, including testosterone replacement therapy, breast tissue removal, and fertility treatments, such as ICSI and IVF, as well as speech and physical therapy.